Issues of fasting
- 23,015
Ruling on selling groceries during the day in Ramadan
- 34,813
What is meant by the setting of the sun that makes it permissible to break the fast?
Does Artificial Insemination Invalidate the Fast?
Artificial insemination procedures, whether they are done inside or outside the body, and implanting embryos in the uterus, do not spoil the woman’s fast. But it is better for the woman to avoid doing that during Ramadan if possible, so as to guard her fast and avoid any areas of doubt.28,028- 28,948
Are saline solutions, vitamin injections and intravenous injections regarded as breaking the fast?
- 46,469
Did the Sahaabah (may Allah be pleased with them) fast on the day of Badr?
- 17,381
The adhaan is different in Ramadaan than during the rest of the year in Turkey
- 7,793
She wants to bring forward the time of her menses to Ramadan, because she is going to get married in Shawwaal
- 8,258
Her baby is 20% breastfed; can she not fast?
- 24,506
Some pus comes out of his penis; how should he purify himself and pray? Does that affect his fast?
- 8,713
She drank something because she forgot that she was fasting, and her mother told her that she had broken a fast, so she broke the fast, then she made up that day; does she have to do anything further?