Women in Ramadaan
- Her baby is 20% breastfed; can she not fast?8,258
- Her nifaas (post-partum bleeding) came back when she was fasting38,422
- Taking pills to prevent period in the last ten days of Ramadaan64,270
- How can she make use of her time when she is cooking in Ramadaan?Whoever does not fast some days of Ramadan has to make up those days before the next Ramadan comes. For more, please see the detailed answer.40,208
- His wife does not want to fast25,459
- If a woman fasts when she is pregnant and is bleeding32,340
- She is not sure whether she became pure before Fajr; should she pray and fast?18,806
- She fasted even though she was not sure about her ghusl following menses. Does she have to make up the fast?53,643
- She is thirteen years old and she does not fast Ramadaan12,366
- She has reached the age of puberty but she is not strong enough to fast15,506