Women in Ramadaan
- 74,261
Does tabarruj invalidate the fast?
Is Fasting without Ghusl after Period Valid?
If you were certain that your menses had ended and you formed the intention to fast before Fajr, even if it was one minute before, then your fast is valid, even if you delayed doing ghusl.200,330- 14,240
Does vaginal bleeding due to surgery mean that one cannot fast?
- 13,952
She thought that the bleeding that results from an abortion was nifaas so she broke her fast
- 96,110
Can a woman who is experiencing non-menstrual vaginal bleeding (istihaadah) fast?
- 17,353
Some drops come out of her and she is pregnant. Should she stop praying?
- 21,555
Are these people obliged to fast? Are they obliged to make up the fast?
- 36,639
She saw the tuhr then she had some discharge – what should she do?
- 142,825
She was not certain that her period had ended, and she prayed and fasted
- 143,772
If the bleeding lasts for more than 15 days is it still regarded as menstruation, and can she fast?