Fasting of the Sick Person
- 12,741
If the fasting person uses nose cream before Fajr and it continues to enter his throat until after Fajr, is his fast broken thereby?
- 24,190
She is sick and does not have the strength to fast
- 11,235
Her daughter suffers from seizures; can she give her medicine during the day in Ramadan?
Does Diarrhea Break Your Fast?
If the diarrhea is mild, and will not affect the fast or cause exhaustion or undue hardship, it is not permissible for you to break your fast. But if the diarrhea is severe, to the extent that you feel tired and exhausted, you have to break your fast.86,381- 8,202
She has been sick for three years and did not fast
Can Diabetics Fast?
1- If you suffer from kidney disease or diabetes and similar diseases where fasting will cause harm, you are allowed to break the fast. 2- The correct view regarding taking blood from veins for testing is that this does not break the fast, but if it is done often, it is better to leave it until night-time.75,710- 16,037
He suffers from narcolepsy and wants to take medicine during the day in Ramadan
Can You Use Nasal Spray while Fasting?
There is nothing wrong with using nasal sprays that contain that percentage of alcohol. Using nasal sprays for allergies does not invalidate the fast whether they are administered through the nose or through the mouth.118,719- 25,806
She bled after having an injection for temporary contraception; what should she do?
- 52,837
Ruling on one who has not made up fasts that she owes from two years ago and is still unable to make them up